I've been awake since about 2 am. If you're looking at the time of posting, that was about two hours ago now. Sleeplessness is no stranger to me, in fact we know one another quite intimately, but it's been a while since it's been this bad. I woke up beyond ravenous, having not eaten dinner, having felt icky all evening. So I ate something hoping it would put me back to sleep. No dice. I tossed and turned and tossed, trying to find that one perfectly comfy position that might lull me to sleep...and then the drilling started. Yes, drilling. At 3:30 am the drilling started. Being wide awake, the only thing that I could possibly do was investigate the source. At first I was lazy and merely stuck my half naked body out of my window to see what I could see. And what I saw was a handful of firemen standing outside about two buildings down. I couldn't imagine what the drilling was, but it continued and then there was this burst of water from god knows where.
Dear lord there are a lot of people out at this hour on a Thursday night/Friday morning. I guess I've been there myself. While I was still sticking out of my window, I noticed two fancy cars driving up Orchard. One of them parked, stupidly, almost right in front of the building where the supposed fire was, though the firemen had dispersed from outside. The driver got out and got into the other fancy car which then sped off. I wonder what shenanigans they were up to.
So anyway, even though the firemen weren't outside anymore the drilling continued, so naturally I went out there to see what the fuck was going on. It appeared, from my street level, layman's perspective, that the second floor apartment was a bit on fire. It seemed a bit on the orange side and I heard some crackliness, firey crackliness. But maybe my tired brain invented all that to go with the firemen. Who knows what it is they could be drilling away at in there to stop a fire.
About thirty minutes into the obnoxious drilling, some of my neighbors began to chime in their thoughts:
"If you guys don't stop that right now I'm calling the police!" (woman)
And a couple of minutes later:
"Shut the fuck up!" (man)
This leads me to wonder whether they have any idea what the fuck is going on outside of their own goddamn windows. Like, obviously there isn't going to be shit like that going on in the middle of the night unless something is WRONG. Do they think someone is fucking renovating their apartment or something? God, people just cannot seem to see beyond the tips of their own noses.
Still not sleepy. I have about 4 hours from this moment to get sleep before work. I could really use an insomnia buddy and a pitcher of martinis right about now.
27 August 2007
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